All 9-12th grade students must read a minimum of three new books by the first day of classes in the fall. Some of this reading is required, some is of your own choosing. Below, we have listed the required titles for each grade, and for your free-choice books, there are lists of faculty favorites and other free-choice suggestions on this site to help give you ideas.
To fill out your free-choice books, you can pick titles from lists on this site, or different books by the same authors, or other books that interest you and are somewhat comparable in reading level. (If you are concerned that one book you have is too light or easy, then perhaps pair it with something more challenging.) Have fun choosing: talk to your friends, talk to your family, talk to your teachers. Spend time browsing online for something that seems interesting —whatever it takes to find books that you like and that keep you reading. You can also ask Ms. Friedlander, the PS Librarian, for a recommendation, or fill out the Summer Reading Book Match form.
Be prepared to discuss your choices when school begins in the fall. (Please also note that, while juniors and seniors must choose a book from the 11th and 12th Grade Summer Reading Symposium, students from other grades are welcome to read these as well.)
Note: Many AP courses have required books as well, and while these count as part of your overall three, they are not listed on this site. Visit the Advanced Course Summer Reading Site for more details.
Below are the required titles for each grade (which of course count as part of the three books you have to read this summer). Since you will want your required books to be fresh in your mind in the fall, be careful about reading these too early—it might be best to start the summer with your free-choice books.
English —We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
History—Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass
History—Animal Farm by George Orwell
Juniors and Seniors, as part of your three summer books, you must read at least ONE of the following titles, representing very different kinds of reading and championed by teachers from around the school. When classes begin in the fall, be prepared to answer questions about, and to discuss, the book that you chose. (And be sure to choose a book that you have not read before.)
(Note: We also encourage 11th and 12th graders to include a classic work as one of their free-choice books. One great way to handle this is to choose a novel that you “missed” in 9th or 10th grade because different classes read different books. So you might try Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, or something comparable in order to help fill in your literary gaps.)
If you need a free choice book and you don't know what to read, fill out the SUMMER READING BOOK MATCH form! Ms. Friedlander can help you find something you'll enjoy.