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Literary Archetypes Podcast Project Guide: Reinterpreting Literary Archetypes

Reinterpreting Literary Archetypes: Fairy Tale Podcast Project

Archetypes Podcast

Using a podcast format, explore your archetype in some detail, and present it using some of the following options:

  • Interviews with fairytale characters & other relevant players

  • Interviews with “experts” in the field like Bettelheim, which will require a little outside research.  I’ll have books in class starting Thursday. 

  • Interviews with fairy tale characters, their psychologists, teachers, etc.

  • Your podcast should be around 5-7 minutes long.  

During class on Wednesday 2/13, you'll have time to work on your podcast. 

The first step should be reviewing the fairy tales for important details, quotations, etc.  

We'll reserve some class time for the project on Thursday 2/14 and Friday 2/15 as well.  






image credit: Rapunzel by Arthur Rackham. The Fairy Tales of the Brother's Grimm, 1909.


Research Tips!

Check out these books and digital resources for your project. Find print copies of physical books at the PS Library. Ebooks are available on Sora ( Please be aware that other students might want to use these items, and return them when you're finished.

Project Muse, Jstor and Oxford are great digital resources. Oxford Handbooks are collections of criticism and analysis from respected scholars, published by the venerable academic publisher. Project Muse and Jstor have plenty of journals and individual articles about fairy tales & the scholars who analyzed them. 

See Ms. F if you have any questions!

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Why Study Fairy Tales?

Other interesting Resources

Fairy Tales: A Short Introduction

Fairy Tale Resources: Books

Fairy Tale Resources: Journals