There's An Old Woman Dwells on Tappington Moor, 1911
The Witches by Henry Fuseli, 1873
One of the best and most popular academic databases. You will use JSTOR in college, so why not get used to it know?
Especially good for humanities research. On campus use only, no password required.
This is an interesting history database! It focuses on normal life in the past--no kings and queens here. If you are researching historical inventions, labor, relationships, immigration, etc, try this one. username: Columbia5w
password: MelvilleWhales!
No password needed on campus or at home.
Perfect for English papers and projects of all levels. No password needed on campus or at home.
The Beast of Gévaudan
Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft (available on Project Muse)
Journal of Material Religion (available on Academic Search Premier)
Fabula: A Journal of Folklore Studies (available on Academic Search Premier)
Journal of Interdisciplinary History (available on Project Muse)
Journal of the History of Ideas (available on Project Muse)
Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural (available on Project Muse)
Album of Spirit Photographs, 1872