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AP Biology Cell Signaling Project Guide: AP Biology


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Another Good Source: StatPearls via NIH

Project Description

Cell Signaling and Disease Research Project

Communication between cells is important in order to ensure that all cells are performing their required functions. Cell to cell communication usually takes the form of a signal transduction pathway. You can think of such a pathway as a row of dominoes, all standing on their ends. Push one domino over, and the rest fall, due their direct or indirect association with the first one you pushed over. Some signals that cells send only work over a short distance. For example, in the brain, neurotransmitters allow one neuron to excite its neighbor. The signal travels no further. Other signals, however, do travel a further distance. Hormones, for example, are secreted by a source organ and travel to target cells, equipped with specialized receptors, in remote regions of the body. Unfortunately, signal transduction might go awry. Because there are so many players and so many steps in the process, it is easy to see how this might happen.


Research a Faulty Cell Communication Pathway

Because the response that a cell usually has to signaling is so important and provides the means for so many other functions of the organism, you can imagine that a failure to relay signals property could result in a multitude of diseases. You will choose one disease, drug or toxin. You will write a two page paper summarizing your findings and make one slide (see example). You must include works cited.
Address the following questions in your paper:

1.What ligand is involved in the normal signal transduction pathway? Where does it come from (which cell, organ, gland, tissue)?

2.What part does the ligand play in the normal signal transduction pathway?

3.Describe the receptors and molecules involved in the “reception” part of the normal signal transduction pathway. (eg. G-protein, tyrosine kinase, gated ion channels, intracellular receptors)

4.Description of the protein kinase cascade or other metabolic pathways involved in the normal signal transduction pathway. Be sure to include any second messengers involved.

5.What is the normal “response” of the signal transduction pathway? What kinds of cellular processes are altered upon receipt of a signal?

6.Description/Explanation of how the signal transduction pathway is altered as a result of the chosen disease/drug/toxin?

7.What is the result of the disruption in the signal transduction pathway? How does this lead to the disease or effect of the drug or toxin. What effect does this have on the cell, the body and/or body systems?

Choose a disease, drug or toxin below:

Diseases Toxins


Addison's Disease


Alzheimer's Disease

ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)

Cancer (choose a type)


Lyme Disease

Multiple Sclerosis


Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)

Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease

Cushing's Syndrome

Cystic Fibrosis


Congenital Heart Disease


Parkinson's Disease 














Slide Example

Video: Living Organisms